Buy Crompton Air Buddy Kitchen Fan (Black) at Rs 1179 from Amazon. Its sleek compact design can be easily accommodated on the platform, mounted on the wall, under the cabinet horizontally or vertically. The body is easy to clean in just one wipe and comes with removable filters for a hassle-free upkeep at home. So, hurry up!!
Final Savings –
MRP – Rs 3500
Deal Price – Rs 1179
Discount – 66%
How to get Crompton Air Buddy Kitchen Fan (Black) at Rs 1179?
2. Click on “Buy Now”
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5. Select payment method from Card/Netbanking/Gift Card Balance.
6. Click on “Place your Order and Pay” >>
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- Its sleek compact design can be easily accommodated on the platform, mounted on the wall, under the cabinet horizontally or vertically
- The body is easy to clean in just one wipe and comes with removable filters for a hassle-free upkeep at home
- Blade-free design ensures safety for children
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